Monday, September 24, 2018

A shift

So things have seriously shifted in the last few days especially. My Obsession seems to have continually waned which is good! In fact, my "perfection" goggles seem to have been removed. I now no longer see Obsession as perfect. This is a good sign. :) The other day he responded to me curtly and I thought to myself "eww... there was no call for that." And there wasn't. Yet rather than panicking I've done something wrong or that he was mad at me I just shrugged and felt it must be he was just having a bad day. But this is serious growth for me.

Things with Husband Creature have been really good. We have open communication and have made the time to cuddle. Stinker Creature seems to be upset with this new development. And his inability to deal with this new fact that Mommy and Daddy need cuddle time proves that we weren't making it a priority. If this is a "new" concept for Stinker Creature then we weren't doing it enough. It's been a challenge. He wants to be in the middle. And seriously fights to get our attention. But we just calmly tell him to give us some time and we'll let him join us in a few. It's been nice.

A big thing that has affected our relationship at home is that Husband Creature planned a surprise for me. He knew I had been wanting to go to a Paint and Sip event but we haven't had the money lately. While trying to say he'd try to afford it with his side jobs he was sneakily working it out with my bestie who invited a bunch of girls and they all surprised me last Friday. It was pretty awesome! I cried, then promptly called my Husband Creature a bad name. I cried hard. I was surprised by how emotional I got. I had just started my period so maybe it was that. But honestly I think I was more blown away at the thoughtfulness of my Husband Creature than anything else. Especially after the difficult month we've had. But it truly blessed me. And I think it was the perfect thing to show me how much my Husband Creature does love me, and appreciates me but just sometimes has a hard time showing it. He planned it for weeks! Poor guy. It must have been killing him. My Bestie had me read the text messages for the planning of it all. It was cute.

I'm thankful. Thankful for my Husband Creature and I being in a healthier place. Thankful my Obsession has died down. I'm ready for this shift. I'm looking forward to when I work the local office full time. I no longer worry about being sad not to see Obsession. I'm not gonna lie, the random thought of him still pops into my head but it's less likely to keep me obsessed.

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