Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Victim or Overcomer?

I have had some interesting conversations today about being driven to succeed. I spent some time talking to someone in my department about how much she's overcome. She has a drive that I admire. I have recently noticed that I admire drive in most anyone. There is someone in another department that I went to lunch with yesterday, he has some serious drive and has a very charismatic personality, and he doesn't allow the pressures of his personal life to interfere with work.

I, on the other hand, have been through hell and back last week and if you were around me and didn't notice you were blind. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I had to put my dog to sleep last week. That was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make in my adult life! I guess because I've had her since before I was a teenager! She had a long life but I still had a very hard time making the decision to end her life. It was odd, people have their pets put to sleep for multiple reasons all the time, yet I felt cruel for having to make the decision. I broke down multiple times at work the day it was being done.

As well we have had to move. (One reason for my lack of posting; the new place doesn't have dsl yet.) The worst part was that we packed up all last week not knowing where we were moving to. Knowing that Saturday we had a moving crew coming to help, we just knew that either the trucks would be going to a storage unit or a house. Less then 24 hours before the people came to the house we found a place and had the papers signed and I am enjoying setting up my new room but find that I'm bored without the internet!

Either way back to the reason for my post, in all that has happened last week I felt overwhelmed. Most people around me knew I was stressed. I don't feel I became a victim but I do believe I allow my emotions to be seen more then they should. I am not an over-achiever for sure. I cannot do what the people I admire do, they don't know something; they just learn it. They don't want to let their emotions get in the way of their work; they separate their life from work. They don't want to get involved in office politics; they just stay in their own world. I envy that.

But then I spoke to another person that used to work where I work and he started having me think about my motives for admiring people like that. It's good to admire he said, but not when it causes you to be too uncomfortable in your own skin. So here I am trying to figure out if I'm overanalyzing this, that in itself should be my answer. ;) But I find this whole thing fascinating! I enjoy hearing what people have accomplished and overcome in their lives. It makes me want to be a better person. To work on those things that are negative influences in my life. The things that hold me back from being a driven person. I want to be someone that overcomes the problems that I face in my life.


Lam's Creation said...

It is interesting to note that the Bible promises "to those who overcomes" the eternal rewards described therein. Yet to some of the most visibly successful Christians, their's are life stories of complete meekness and surrender ... my 2 sents worth, if you have to, at least be a victim of God's mercy ...

Lam's Creation said...

John 10:10 selah