I'm trying to get the vision of a yellow CHP jacket covering a body in between the back tires of a truck out of my mind. It's an extremely unsettling thing to realize our mortality! I see accidents all the time, mostly fender benders... Only a handful have turned out to be fatality accidents. I was stuck in traffic and knew it had to have been a pretty bad accident due to the amount of lights ahead of me and the fact that all lanes but the far right were closed. But I was not prepared to see a body. As I drove past wondering why a yellow jacket was on the ground in between the two back tires of a red truck, I looked to my right and saw a motorcycle... Right then I knew... Tears started streaming down my face and I found myself sobbing before I even had the lights of all the patrol cars out of site in my rearview mirror. I'm still surprised at how much it impacted me. I thought of his family, prayed a little prayer for them and prayed for his soul even though I was disturbed to think that it might be too late for him to make a decision of where he was going.
Thank God for your deep seeded gift of compassion. I am really upset with my own lack of it for just over the New Year festivity, the Tsunami caused by the quake from neighbouring Indonesia just killed thousands and made many more thousands homeless and I still can't find a sincere morsel of commpassion within me.
Well even I myself was surprised by the impact the accident had on me. I guess it was just because it wasn't something I was expecting to be so close to. Though I have viewed the Tsunami tragedy in my mind as even further proof of what the end is going to be like. The bible is very clear that more of these things (natural devastating disasters) will be happening and they will get more impacting as we get closer. I felt a deep sense of concern for the families and have tried to stick to the news stories about positive results, ie. the 20 day old baby that was found floating in the water on a mattress and was fine! That is just incredible! Though I can't escape the reality of the impact. I find that because I am farther away from it, on the other side of the globe, it's hard to let the reality sink in of all the lives that are impacted.
- Clandestine
My church has called for a corporate prayer and fast. I am still struggling with a disgusting sense of hypocracy since my heart is callous to the entire event. Any suggestion what you would have done instead ?
It came and went and I am none the more compassionate as ever, but I do rejoice over the fact that as Christians, whether we feel like it or not, it is within God's will to pray for others.
Well it's good that God showed you that. I have a hard time when I know my heart is callused to things. It's good that you were at least obedient even when you didn't feel compassionate. I sometimes wonder if that's the better way to do it because God knows your heart and sees that you are willing to do it even though you don't have a heart to.
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