So I've been on my fast for only a few days. There was a day that I felt completely drawn to reaching out to Obsession and I caught myself. I prayed and asked God to keep me away. It was almost worse than the sugar detox has been. Obsession has popped into my head a lot up until that day. I think that was the day before yesterday. Yesterday and today I've been OK. I still wonder a moment here or there if he's noticed my absence and has wanted to reach out. Or if I am an out of sight out of mind kind of person to him. But for the most part, I shrug the thought off and think, who cares? It shouldn't matter. He's no longer going to be a close friend. I need to keep my distance. The problem is, there is only 1 Monday this month and next month that I can work down in his office. He's off Mondays so it's easier to avoid him. These Monday holidays are killing my plan. I might see if it's possible not to go to the main building at all during those days I'm not going down on a Monday. But this next Tuesday I have to go to the building and so many people I love are in his office area. Maybe I could just avoid him? But that would seem so obvious to me. Anyways, slight dilemmas in my plan.
Husband Creature found out Obsession's lives local when I told him about his day at the local office. I still try to tell my Husband Creature when I see Obsession outside of the days I go to that office. Well when he was in my office, I shared with my hubby. I told him because of the weather Obsession stayed local. I hadn't realized I never shared he's from where we live. Husband Creature asked if we've met up and I told him no, never! But felt guilty about the hopes that some day Obsession would walk into Starbucks when I was there coloring... Again, the thought strikes me that I'm a horrible wife!
Well I thought I was doing better about not obsessing over Obsession, guess I'm not quite cleared of him. So moving on ...
I feel amazing. I want to remember how much better I feel eating only veggies and protein. I get up expecting pain in my feet and it's so minimal and so clearly because of my diet that I need to remember how this feels so I can maintain eating right. I've realized that the bulk of my weight gain occurred during my first year at this job. Since then, I've maintained my current weight for the last year, fluctuating 10 lbs. When I realized I needed to do something drastic was when I went 10 lbs in the wrong direction in the month of December, PRIOR to Christmas goodies. I felt like I gained 20-30 lbs, but looking back at my weight loss app, I only gained about 15 lbs since my dads heart attack in July. I think I just felt miserable and the weight gain started to impact my mental and physical health. Maybe everything started to weigh me down and the weight just added to it.
Either way, I feel good. My face seems to look less greasy and my eyes, brighter. I've lost 8 lbs which is kind of surprising and not my main focus. My main focus was focusing on self control and making sure I don't give in to my desire to eat sugar. Maybe Obsession is more the thing I need to pray and ask God to remove the stronghold he seems to have on me. Because God has clearly been helping me with my food. There have been fleeting moments where a shake or candy bar sound *really* good. But I haven't been too hungry. I couldn't give up dinners. Too hungry without the sugar and carbs. But I think because I'm snacking so much on veggies, it's been really good. But now that I'm on a roll, I pray and hope that this year is a year of lean, of self control, of freeing myself from this burden of weight. I want to be proud of myself, not embarrassed or ashamed.
I read something on Instagram just now, typically I get annoyed that people share anything text related on a photo sharing app but yeah... It struck a chord with me.
I'm really bummed that girls look at the sky and think " wow God is so amazing" but look in the mirror and think "ugh" as if He didn't make both.
And it's true, I look up at the sky all the time and think, "Wow!" But then lately I've been looking at my reflection thinking... "Ugh". I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am... er... was miserable on the inside. I am definitely changing my perspective on life and have been super motivated and excited about the future. The thing I keep focusing on is how I want to feel and want to look. I want to see positive changes when I look in the mirror. And in this short time of fasting, I've seen a lot of positive changes.
When I look back at this last year, my current weight has been my standard weight for most of the year. I have less than 9 lbs to go to be the smallest I was last year. That seems doable. That seems like it's not that far away. So for now that's my short term goal. After that it'll be getting down another 20 lbs and then to what I was before I started this job which is about 40 lbs away! Crazy to me to think I gained 40 lbs in the first year here. I've been here just over 2 years! So this is the year I go back to me. I've got less distractions in every sense of the word. So we'll see what this year holds for me!