Friday, July 05, 2019


So I saw Obsession again on Wednesday. We had a nice chat but a couple things stood out.

One: I walked into his office and he asked why I look well rested and my hair is all freshly brushed out and nice. lol I told him its because I finally got 7 hours of sleep. But it was nice to know he saw me and thought I looked good.

Two: We were somehow on the topic of our ancestry again and he said (and got seriously embarrassed) that when he imagined me and before he could get the rest out, he turned bright red and said "I'm not trying to say that I sit around imagining you..." and the other two coworkers in the room started teasing him and asked if they needed to leave us two alone for a bit. He took a longer time to recover than usual and finally he was like I'm trying to say this without making it sound so bad, but I always picture you as one of those girls in the bodice and holding the beers like at Oktoberfest. I downplayed my reaction, and moved the conversation along but deep down inside his embarrassment felt like admission.

I don't think I mentioned this but about a month back I was talking to Obsession about my church and he was curious as to where it was. Had me show him on google maps and everything. He wanted to know what a church that preached meat vs milk would be like. He seemed intrigued by the Facebook page. When I asked him something about watching the sermons etc, he said "oh I'm only interested because it's something about you."


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