Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Stopping by my desk

Obsession doesn't typically stop by my desk... But today... He did. And the joy he brought me in just that short timeframe... His bright eyes, his smiles! We were talking about my interview down at his old office and he was complimentary when we talked about how my first interview with this job was only 5 minutes and I got the job. He said "They must have liked your smile." :) *sigh* 

I confirmed we're on for that work event next week. I asked if he had a game plan. He still wants me to ride down with him. *Eek!* We don't have to leave as early as we originally thought. I'm excited for the time to chat. I'm also nervous about keeping myself in check... Part of me really wants to be open and honest, the other part is like "keep your damn mouth shut!" lol We'll see which side wins out. Probably the over-sharer side of me. Either way we'll be done around noon and drive back. So I'm going to for sure be done in time to go get my son from school on his birthday! 

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