Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Dreams Suck

Dreams Suck... They suck lately because Obsession has been showing up in a lot of them. But last nights dream really got me because there's a longing for that kind of relationship with him, it was very vivid and realistic. I can still feel the intensity. There was nothing sexual but very intimate, very much so his love language of physical touch. Him on a couch, me on the floor by his legs, draping my arm over him; standing close, bodies touching; facing each other foreheads touching. Just extremely close. Nothing sexual. Well maybe that is sexual? That level of intimacy. 

Either way, I'm annoyed he's becoming a bigger thing in my life again. I need space. I need to avoid him. But I can't. I seem to just throw myself at him even though he doesn't seem too interested in keeping the communication up. He didn't reply to my email the other day, but he mentioned that his email is out of control now. And he does seem eager to talk to me but when no one else is around but that's rarely the case. Ugh... 

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