Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Colorado... Again

Man I'm struggling with wanting to contact Colorado again. I've been really drawn to reaching out to him. It's getting annoying. I open a chat window, then close it. I see his profile is active on FB again. He deactivated it for a while. I want to send him a message. Or add him as a friend. Then I found out initial reconnection messages on FB back in 2016. Read through them and as I did I almost reacted to a message accidentally and that would have notified him on FB. *face palm* Ugh... Why am I struggling so bad? Am I missing out on attention somewhere? I always feel the need to seek attention when I'm feeling low. But I'm not feeling low atm... Am I? Well... there is the lack with Obsession last week. The week before it was great. Last week... sucked. And left me feeling foolish and like I waste my time with people that don't value me. 

Someone posted this on FB and it seems fitting... 

A Pepsi costs $1.50 in a vending machine, $3.00 in a grocery store & $5.00 at a theme park. The only thing that changed is its location. The next time you feel like you don't have any worth, consider that maybe it's not you. Maybe it's your location. Finding the place that God intends for you to be, will change Everything! 

I needed that. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


So I've had a couple breathtaking moments. Those moments where you have to catch your breath when you remember the moment. 

  • The moments he's looked into my eyes and says he's happy he has me to vent to about things. 
  • The moment he apologized for not having time to chat one week because he's wanted to. 
  • The moment he seemed sad it was time for me to go.
  • The moment I caught his eye for a split second longer than I should have and he flashed a smile that made others turn to look at what he was smiling at... Wow... 
I struggle. And the first couple of weeks it was fine. But it feels more challenging. Probably because issues with Husband Creature made it easier to slip into obsessing over Obsession. I really think him being out of sight helped him be out of mind this last year.