Friday, April 05, 2019

Obsession is still a Distraction

Blah! Sometimes I get frustrated with myself. This week in particular has been rough with Obsession. Rough meaning a little too good.

He's hugged me twice. Both times were his initiation. The first was to show his appreciation of my text telling him I was thinking about him and his family on the anniversary of his brother passing. He kept saying how surprised he was that I remembered the day, then finally said it meant a lot to him and hugged me. We kept getting interrupted and he kept bringing it back up. I suggested he use the journal I gave him to write out stories of his brother before he forgot. He seemed to really like the idea. But he tends to get sidetracked when it comes to writing like he wants to. The second hug was honestly I don't know why. We were talking about his interview and I was encouraging him and I was sort of walking him out and when he realized I wouldn't be there for his interview he said "well here let me give you a hug now". He held on longer this time. I was pulling away before he was done. 

We had a 2+ hr conversation about marriage earlier in the week. I was encouraging him in his. How he needed to worry more about her needs than his own if he felt there were issues. Sharing how my marriage was so different until I made some changes. I shared some YouTube videos of the books I've read and he actually watched one yesterday on the way in to work. Which surprised me. He said my battle for my marriage showed strength. 

We talked about the 5 love languages with another coworker and we both took the test. He's Touch and mine is Acts of Service. We talked about how we were going to have our spouses do it to see what theirs were so we can work towards showing them love in their language. 

It was a week full of information. He asked me about my diet. If Craig was shorter than me. How he's going back to school for his BA. He actually came to my office to say bye when he left work early one day....

Updated 4/15/19
The word "distraction" makes me cringe now... Especially when I use it as a description for work when talking to my Husband Creature.

Last week I didn't get to see Obsession as much. Which was good. I worked locally on a day I don't usually and he seemed disappointed that he wasn't going to see me. My old boss, who has since promoted made a joke that I don't start my work day till 7:30 or 8:00 which made me feel a little uncomfortable. I asked Obsession if anyone has commented to him. He said no, but that it might be best if I just say good morning and then come by on my breaks from now on. I felt bad. Like I was a bad employee. Though when we talk, he engaging, not dismissive. It's hard to step away. We both joke about how long our talks last. 20 min is always our answer.

Updated 4/17/19
Man things change so quickly! And yet took forever! How long have I been waiting to move full time to the local office? Almost a year and a half. Now it looks like I'll be moving to my local office full time here within the month! I'm super excited! And yes, a little sad to be leaving Obsession behind. But to be honest, it's about stinkin time! I desperately need him out of sight to move out of mind. When he found out he seemed shocked and in my opinion a little sad. He asked me when. I told him the date hasn't been set but that it'll be about a month. We talked on my way out and I mentioned that I would miss our chats, he gave a knowing nod. I felt my throat close up and I changed the subject. I almost cried talking to my Supervisor about it so it's going to be a challenge not to cry when the time comes. She's just so amazing and the atmosphere is so different then my local office but you can't put a price tag on time. I get so much more time being local!

One of the girls in Obsession's unit mentioned we'd all have to go to lunch before I go. I immediately worried about my Husband Creature who had already asked if my "distraction" was going to another work event. So last night I asked him if he'd be ok if I went to lunch with Obsession's unit.  He told me it was up to me. I told him that wasn't fair. But he asked if Obsession knew how I felt, I told him no that I didn't think it was appropriate. He said it would depend on if I'm the only girl, I said Obsession was the only guy. He said as long as I wasn't driving alone with Obsession, or sitting next to him, he wouldn't have an issue. So I've decided I'll go *if* they plan something. Otherwise I will just not push for it. Though part of me wants photos with each of them, meaning a selfie with Obsession. I already have a couple photos of us together so not sure it's necessary to get more. *Sigh*

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