Saturday, December 04, 2004

An explanation

I have chosen to start this blog in the concept that this will be a truly open medium to express my views on life, love and Christianity without the use of names and places. I ran across another blog that intrigued me, and it was the same concept. A man just wanting to express his thoughts on the women in his life, baring all, and as chauvanistic as he may have been sometimes I truly envied his ability to be completely honest. So this is the reason for the start of "Cladestine: Kept or done in secret...". I have another blog that has now become read quite frequently and I have found that I cannot truly open up and be myself for fear of what others may think. I know that is not the correct way of looking at things but in fact there were people that could get hurt reading my thoughts. So this way I can truly be honest without anyone knowing who I am. I have people that read my other blog that do not know my life or what I've really done that either I'm ashamed of or they just wouldn't understand. I dislike having to rethink everything that I say. I don't really want be critized or ridiculed, I just want to send this out into the void as a way of releasing it. I will be brutally honest here, no holding back. I will explain the REAL me. And if it's rediculed, well you don't know me and I don't know you and it won't affect our friendship.

That's all for now.

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